The Southern Institute offers two sets of workshops. Each summer we conduct the five-day Goldring workshop that focuses on the lives of the Holocaust survivors who came to New Orleans after the war. This workshop is limited to fifteen teachers who are required to make presentations on the lives of our survivors in their schools and communities.
During the school year we conduct one-day workshops on these topics:
- World War I and the Treaty of Versailles
- Hitler and the Rise of the Nazis
- Anschluss: Orgy of Sadism in Vienna
- The Evian Conference on Refugees
- The Munich Conference: The Abandonment of Czechoslovakia
- Kristallnacht: U.S. Refugee Policy in 1938
- Voyage of the St. Louis
- The Times-Picayune on the Holocaust: What We Knew, When We Knew It
- Liselotte Weil: Jewish Refugee in Eunice, Louisiana
- Fate of the German Jews: 1933-‘43
- Journey to a Vanished World: the story of Henry and Eva Galler
- Tolek Maczak: a Polish Righteous Gentile, rescued Jewish girls by sending them to work, “passing” as Christians, in the Third Reich
- The War in Russia, 1941-’44
- Theresienstadt: the Model Ghetto and the Red Cross
- The Assassination of Heydrich and the Razing of Lidice
- Sobienie Jezoiry: Collaboration with the Nazis in a Polish town
- Teaching Schindler: the Nazi who did good
- The State Department and the Holocaust: “Acquiescence of this Government”
- Sisters
- Two sister in the Warsaw Ghetto: Anne Levy, Lila Millen, and their remarkable parents
- Janusz Korzhak and the Orphans of Warsaw
- Uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto and the Carousel in Krasinski Square: Milosz’s poem Campo dei Fiori
- Marek Edelman and Vladka Meed: Case-studies of Jewish resistance
- Operation Reinhard and the Murder of Polish Jewry: the death camps at Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka
- Eichmann, Wallenberg, and the Destruction of the Hungarian Jews in 1944
- The New Americans: Surviving Survival